The Route 47 is born.

When the journey is what matters.

The emotions of the road, the stops along the way, the joy of riding, and the sense of freedom that comes from feeling the wind are essential ingredients to ensure a great motorcycle route. Beyond weekend getaways, track riding, or traveling to gatherings, embarking on a great route is the promise every rider makes when acquiring their first motorcycle.

Spain has it all for motorcycle enthusiasts: beautiful landscapes, good roads, coastlines, mountains, deserts, incredible cuisine, and the possibility to eat and sleep anywhere at any time of the day.

All of this has made our country the main destination for many European bikers in recent years.

In this grand route, we propose touring the 47 Spanish provinces of the Iberian Peninsula without repeating any in a 10,000 km journey in its two versions:
  • ON ROAD: 29 stages with an average of 350 km/day.
  • OFF ROAD: 47 stages with an average of 210 km/day.

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